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trusted. wherever you are.


Getting your shipment through customs is more than just paying the right fees — you also need to comply with each country’s unique shipping regulations. Our Product Compliance Check gives you the latest export and import regulations to ensure a smooth customs experience.

Check Compliance for FREE

understand export controls and more

sail through customs

Illustration depicting customs officer at work

Be prepared for unexpected regulations

Our database is updated daily, giving you the latest customs requirements such as new embargoes.

Illustration of parcel and clock depicting customs delays

Reduce your risk of delivery exceptions

With the right customs requirements, you’ll be able to avoid unnecessary customs delays.

Illustration depicting document specifying customs requirements

Know each product’s unique requirements

We let you know if your product has specific customs requirements, so you can prepare ahead of time.

5 Easy Steps

Abstract illustration of a digital web interface featuring global shipping, shipping destination, shipping costs, shipping documents and HS codes
Step 1

Register a DHL Express GTS account in TAS

We’ll estimate quicker when you provide your company details and location.

Step 2

Fill in your origin and destination countries

This allows us to provide you with costs accurate to each country

Step 3

Add other fees you need to pay

That includes insurance, brokerage, and transportation. Even if you forget, we won’t!

Step 4

Enter your product's details and HS code

Don’t worry — our DHL Express Interactive Classifier makes it easy to get the right HS codes.

Step 5

Get your product compliance check

Success! You can save past searches or products to make future checks even easier.

check Compliance for FREE

frequently asked questionS

What is customs compliance?

Customs compliance is the adherence to trade regulations of whichever countries you are exporting from and importing to. Every country has a different set of regulations that may change from time to time, as in the case of trade embargoes or export controls. To learn more about how we can help you manage customs compliance, explore our Product Compliance Check.

What is delivery or shipment exception?

A delivery exception (or shipment exception) occurs when a shipment is temporarily delayed or stalled in transit. There are many possible reasons, such as customs delays due to wrong Harmonized System (HS) codes or poor documentation. You can reduce your risk of a delivery exception by using our Product Compliance Check to ensure that your shipments pass through customs smoothly.

What is export control?

Export control refers to regulations on exporting certain items that are considered controlled, such as military goods, precious stones, currency, and more. These export controls differ from country to country, so it is important for you to know the specific regulations governing your product in the countries you wish to ship to.

You can find the latest export controls in our Product Compliance Check, customized to your product and shipment.

Is DHL Express’s Product Compliance Check accurate?

Yes, we update our databases daily to ensure that you receive the latest export and import regulations.

Is DHL Express’s Product Compliance Check free?

Yes, the Product Compliance Check is provided free of charge. All you need is a DHL Express Global Trade Services account.